Saturday, May 26, 2012

Know No Boundary

At times, life can be a little difficult when things do not turn out the way we hope it would. While most of the time the feeling of defeat worries us and keeps us bothered about what life holds and this feeling drives us to the edge of falling.

The gap between effort and result is way too far apart that it ultimately taking all efforts into insignificance.

When the results are not promising it is almost like a big pile of disappointment appearing like a stack of thick blankets oppressing over the chest causing this suffocating gasps.

Its about standing alone sometimes when you really believe in something and not fearing retribution. It means to love those around you, help where you can, be known as a person that can be trusted and just do the best you can. If we didn't feel sadness we could never experience happiness; if we didn't get angry on occasion we would never know peace, and if we didn't trust our hearts we'd never know love. Yes, it's about pro-creating, but life is much more than that if you open your eyes, ears and heart and listen.

A person who cannot find contentment, cannot find peace. A person, who cannot find peace, cannot find fulfillment. 

We often tend to find ourselves helpless,irritated by problem's around us, but when I see not so privileged people around me fighting everyday for a better life,for better things forgetting all their boundaries


Its all about coming out of 'Safety Net' , to break free and achieving things,SUCCESS WILL FOLLOW.